there really is nothing better than spending time with old friends and laughing your faces off. with school winding down and my last exam on monday (thank god!) i was able to come back to the mainland and see friends whom i haven't seen in far too long! but although time passes friendship sure doesn't fade - i don't remeber the last time i laughed so much in one night, it could have been the mojitos or the wine but i think it was moreso the company of the people i was with that night that made it so great - from feral children, to mermaid girls, to octopus kids and tree men -to spooning in a bed with 2 of the bestest/greatest friends in the world and to witnessing a dog take off running through traffic down broadway ( it still sends chills throughout my body) ahh! i like to think he's safe & at home now - i couldn't have asked for a better night with better people! thanks guys for being such great people and some of the greatest friends a girl could have!! :) <3
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